Born in Barcelona, I moved to San Diego in 2003 and fell in love with the city.

Mechanical Engineer by profession, surfer and artist by vocation.

Enjoy the tour and don't forget to leave your comments...good or bad.


I almost forgot...originals and reproductions on canvas are available for purchase, please contact me at oriol_arvicente@yahoo.es

Late sets in Bali

Late sets in Bali
100cm x 40cm (40" x 16")

Early Sessions

Early Sessions

Down the Line

Down the Line

Soft Barrels

Soft Barrels
100cm x 69cm (40" x 27")

Deep Inside

Deep Inside

Late drop

Late drop

Deep sunset

Deep sunset

Colors of Barcelona

Colors of Barcelona

Beach games - Bali

Beach games - Bali



Blue Fusion

Blue Fusion

Sunset in Barcelona

Sunset in Barcelona







Afternoon colors

Afternoon colors



final sketch

final sketch

First version - No surfer

First version - No surfer

Is there something missing?...the surfer

Please comment and let me know if you think the wave is missing the surfer.


Friday, January 22, 2010

My next painting

This will be an ongoing post to illustrate the process of creating my next painting.

From the idea to the final painting. Ideally this could be an interactive process where I would get comments and suggestions from followers, along the creation process, which will influence the final output. And who knows, this could evolve in a new form of interactive art.

Perhaps this could become a good idea after all, engaging people to participate in the creation process of my paintings. Some could think that this goes against the rules of inspiration and the freedom to create a real unique piece, but I say this is a good way to merge inspiration with technology and create something truly unique from a collective interaction.

I get to choose the idea, usually inspired by a picture. In this case I feel like doing another abstract surf snapshot which I will then tweak and distort into a preliminary sketch, becoming the start point for others to interact through comments and suggestions.

First picture and sketch will be on, this weekend.



Unknown said...

Uri, me encanta esta idea! Quiza este no pode ser tu regalo a Montse? ;)


Anonymous said...

No me lo puedo creer, es increible todo lo que pintas!!!!! Lo has conseguido...sigues igual que siempre no cambies.
Te quiero mucho,
Mua,mua requete mua,

Anonymous said...

Nona desde BCN said:
Cariño que orgullosa me siento de ti, has logrado tus sueños....Sabes quue me pasa ultimamente te veo de repente y digo Oriol...pero no... es otro chico, te escribire+
los cuadros son preciosos...el mar...la mar....

Unknown said...

Hola guapo
Felicitats! la Núria m'ha passat l'enllaç i he flipat, no sabia que tenies aquesta vena artística
Fes-li un retrat al Martí, :)
un petó

Anonymous said...

Hey Ori -- I am very impressed! Excellent work. I did not know that Wave Loch was graced with a man of such artistic talent.

Your Boss.

Margie said...

Love your work!


Anonymous said...

Observant el teu art em venen molts records de quan tot el que has fet aquests últims anys només eren "somnis" en el teu cap.....
No tinc paraules per dir-te el que he sentit veient els teus quadres i sobretot veient aquells somnis fets realitat.
Potser el que més m'ha emocionat és veure a l'Ori que jo conec a través de totes i cadascuna d'aquestes obres d'art.
Moltes felicitats i no et paris....al teu camí no li veig limits !!!!

Anonymous said...

Bonitos cuadros, muchos no los conocia..buena inspiracion el surfing, que nunca acabe..